Please read over the rules for our rentals prior to purchasing. All rentals are non-refundable.
No Refunds or Reservations. Rentals come on a first come first serve basis
Please make sure you are an ACCEPTED member of our sim before renting. Our rental terms are 2 week periods in order to ensure that ACTIVE players are the ones getting to live on sim. ​
MAXIMUM of one residential and one business per player
These are also on a first come, first serve basis. ​
Prim Limits are enforced and checked regularly.
Unless approved, please keep to your allotted prims. If not, you risk your items being returned. ​
Keep the decor on your own property.
No street signs etc unless otherwise approved. Any violations of this will be returned without warning.​
Please review our entire notecard with our rental agreement prior to renting. More details there
These will be added here too, soon!​